Drivers shopping around for car insurance may be easily lured by the promise of big savings by switching to a specific carrier. After all, at an average of $866 per year for liability, collision, and … [Read more...]
Should I File an Insurance Claim?
When you experience a loss, who do you call first? So long as there are no victims, you probably contact your insurance company to begin the claims process. However, we here at Integrity Insurance … [Read more...]
Do I Need Rental Car Insurance?
It’s no secret that rental car insurance can be very expensive. Adding a collision damage waiver can increase the cost of your rental by as much as $15 per day. If you also add other available … [Read more...]
Don’t Let Holiday Cheer Turn to Frustration and Tears
It’s that time of year again. As Santa loads up his sleigh, scammers, burglars, and crooks are scheming to take advantage of unsuspecting victims. From gifts to cars and personal information, it seems … [Read more...]
7 Things to Look for With a Car Insurance Agency
Have you ever shopped around for car insurance? Many drivers describe this process as time-consuming and frustrating, leading many to settle for coverage or prices that are less than they had hoped … [Read more...]