Have you ever bought something online thinking you were getting huge savings, only to regret your purchase a few months later? While there may be return policies available for your favorite online stores, the same can’t be said for insurance companies. If you are unhappy with your coverage, your best choice is to begin your search all over again. While buying insurance directly from a major national provider online may be convenient, nothing beats working with a real person. When you shop with our knowledgeable independent insurance agents, you can save time and money, while investing in comprehensive coverage. Keep reading to learn more about the many advantages of choosing an independent insurance agency.
Top 5 Reasons to Choose an Independent Insurance Agent
1. Choices, Choices, Choices!
When you’re trying to tailor an insurance policy to fit your specific needs, it’s important to explore all of your available options. But if you go to one insurance company directly or work with an agent who only represents one company, you won’t have many choices. The beauty of working with an independent agent is the fact that you can choose from tens, maybe even hundreds of providers to find the right level of insurance protection at a price that won’t break your bank.
2. Unbiased Advice
While independent agents still make a commission each time they help you find the right insurance policy, they aren’t dedicated to one specific provider. Their job is to listen to your individual needs, factor in state-specific requirements here in Kansas and then match you up with an insurance company that has the coverage options you need at an affordable price.
3. Save Time
Just because you’re capable of searching for different quotes online doesn’t mean you should have to dedicate your precious time to doing so. And even if you feel like you are pretty knowledgeable about your insurance needs, an independent agent has insight into the industry that you don’t. They can take the information you’ve provided and do all the comparing for you.
4. Local Team
Whether you are ready to review the terms of your car insurance policy or you want to file a claim, it’s super helpful to have a real person available to go over the details of your coverage with you. As your neighbors, our local team also understands the unique needs of Kansas residents and can help you invest in the proper coverage options to help make sure you can enjoy total insurance protection.
5. One-Stop Shopping
While you may only be looking to find a great deal on auto insurance, we can help you take care of all your insurance needs in the same place. As you make major life changes and buy a new home, get married, have kids and start your own small business, we’re here to make sure you’re always covered. Why complicate your life by having different insurance policies from several providers if you don’t have to?
Contact Integrity Insurance Today
Is it time to review your insurance coverage? Save time and invest in an affordable, comprehensive policy when you buy insurance with the independent agents at Integrity. Nothing is worse than getting caught without the right level of insurance protection in an emergency. So be sure to protect your loved ones and your most precious assets with an affordable insurance policy. Contact our friendly and knowledgeable team online today for more information and be sure to request a free quote!