Have you ever walked out to start your car in the morning and noticed a mysterious chip or crack that seemed to develop overnight? If so, you are not alone. Plenty of drivers will discover a car windshield with seemingly unexplainable damage this year. Luckily, if you’ve invested in comprehensive auto insurance coverage, getting a damaged windshield repaired or replaced isn’t too much of a hassle. But without proper insurance, you could end up paying out-of-pocket for repairs. Keep reading to learn more about how cracked windshields happen and how you can protect against this common issue.
Top 7 Reasons Why Windshields Crack
1. Gravel Roads
You’re much more likely to discover flying debris and rocks on gravel roads than on any other road surface. This means that to avoid a damaged windshield, you’ll always need to pay attention to how closely you’re following the vehicle in front of you. Additionally, it a good rule of thumb to avoid driving on gravel roads whenever possible.
2. Poor Quality Glass
While you may be tempted to save a few bucks as you choose a windshield replacement, it’s typically in your best interest to go with a windshield that is made from high-quality glass. Lower quality glass is more susceptible to stress fractures and breaks.
3. Driving Behind Construction Vehicles
It’s already difficult to see the road ahead of you when following behind a construction vehicle, but you could end up driving away with a cracked windshield too. Construction vehicles usually carry around different debris, dirt and other materials that could be kicked up from their extra-large wheels and hit your windshield—so steer clear from them whenever possible.
4. Improper Storage
If you live in an area with street parking only, your car is at a greater risk of becoming involved in a neighborhood accident. There’s always a chance that a rogue baseball, frisbee or some other flying object could make contact your windshield causing the glass to chip or crack. If possible, park your car in a carport or garage to avoid falling victim to a neighborhood calamity.
5. Temperature Changes
Kansas is known across the US for our changing weather patterns. And if your car is exposed to fluctuating extreme temperature, there’s a good chance that your windshield glass could suffer a stress fracture under the pressure. For example, if it’s a particularly hot summer day and you decide to wash your car with your cold-water hose, you could crack the windshield. Always be wary of changing temps to avoid this common issue.
6. Poor Installation
If your windshield doesn’t quite fit the frame of your vehicle or is installed poorly, you could be at risk of stress cracks and other safety hazards. Anytime that you notice your windshield vibrating at higher speeds, you should have it checked out and possibly replaced.
7. Hail
The summer storm season in Kansas marks the beginning of hail damage season as well. And while most people are really worried about hail damage on their roofs, cars are often the most affected by this extreme weather phenomenon. If you get caught in a storm, try to slow your speed and pull off the road if possible, to prevent extensive hail damage to your windshield.
Contact Integrity Insurance Today
A comprehensive auto insurance policy should provide options for quick and pain-free windshield repairs. But if you work in an industry where your vehicle is more susceptible to frequent glass damage, additional glass coverage options may be in your best interest. Contact the team at Integrity Insurance for more information and be sure to request a free quote today.