Have you ever shopped around for car insurance? Many drivers describe this process as time-consuming and frustrating, leading many to settle for coverage or prices that are less than they had hoped for. Instead of shopping for the right car insurance, you might need to take a different approach and start shopping for the right car insurance agency. Today, we list 7 key traits to look for when comparing Topeka car insurance agencies.
Open Door Policy
You need to know that you can call upon your car insurance agent anytime to provide assistance or answers to your questions. You will form a close relationship with your insurance agent over the years. This is a person you will share personal information with. Make sure you choose someone who is friendly, trustworthy, and that you can feel comfortable calling anytime you have a question or need help.
Experience and Reputation
A lot can be said about an agency based on the collective experience and reputation of the agents who work for it. Honesty and dependability go a long way in the insurance industry. Purchasing car insurance means purchasing a product that will protect your family and your finances against the unexpected. Make sure you can trust the agency you buy your coverage from.
Local Roots
Car insurance agencies tend to be anchored within their communities and tend to know the locals well. They offer a familiar face with local knowledge instead of an unknown voice at the other end of a phone call.
Independence and Selection
This is one of the most important features you could look for in an agency since it means your agent does not have an allegiance to any particular company. Independent insurance agencies shop coverage from more than one company, ensuring you receive the best value. Look for an independent agency that works with several – not just a few – of the leading insurance companies here in Kansas. Greater selection means more competition to win your business.
Full Service
Many car insurance agencies offer more than vehicle coverage. Even if you don’t need it right now, there may come a day when you decide to purchase a home, start a business, or acquire some other asset that needs insurance protection. Look for a full service personal and commercial insurance agency that can meet your needs as they change over time.
We like our space here in Kansas. Whether you enjoy the city life in Topeka or prefer the slower pace in small towns like Burlington, look for a car insurance agency with more than once location to fit your needs.
Advice and Assistance
Long after you purchase your policy, you need to know your car insurance agency will continue to be there to provide support. You might prefer the do-it-yourself approach, but it still helps to know that you have a local agent who can answer your billing questions, help you pay your premiums, respond to questions about your coverage, and facilitate communication between you and the