In a previous post, we discussed GuideOne. Our customer spotlight this month also happens to be a brand new client with GuideOne. His Way Ministries, which operates Buffalo Ridge Hospitality and Retreat Center near Williamsburg, KS has been a client of Integrity Insurance Agency since 2012. When they recently came up for renewal, we took advantage of the opportunity to compare their coverage with GuideOne. Turned out to be an outstanding move resulting in more coverage in spite of tremendous savings in their premium.
Being able to take care of organizations such as His Way Ministries and Buffalo Ridge Hospitality and Retreat Center is hugely satisfying and we are proud to introduce you to this little slice of paradise located just off I-35 between Ottawa & Williamsburg, KS.
His Way Ministries is a not-for-profit Christian outreach and service organization begun by Chaplain James W. Robinson in 1970.
1970-1972: His Way was founded in 1970 in a public restaurant in Pleasant Hill, California. Ministering to and with the high school and college people from the schools next door provided an exciting two years! School Bible Clubs, home Bible studies, youth rallies, and Spiritual Life Retreats were the major thrusts. We outgrew the location.
1972-1977: Much prayer and searching led us to a vacant two-acre lot in nearby Concord, California. This had been used for many years as the Telephone Company’s Motor Pool and was readily adaptable to our growing ministry. A multi-faceted His Way Center was developed there which included: Self-Service Auto Repair, a Book and Craft Store, His Way Chapel, Jacob’s Well Restaurant, offices, and a number of small businesses. These gave jobs to new Christians and provided avenues for evangelism. Mission trips to San Francisco began. The Concord base became history when the city acquired the property by condemnation to extend a street.
1977-1991: Transition to San Francisco. Developed the part-time ministry that His Way sponsored in San Francisco. His Way had been on Broadway, with its strip joints, porno shops, and spiritually hungry people, weekend nights since 1974. In 1977 the opportunity came for full-time ministry in San Francisco. His Way Staff and teams visited over 225,000 San Francisco homes offering an opportunity to learn of Jesus and giving an attractive New Testament free to each home. Home Bible studies helped establish new Christians. In addition, many hundreds of New Testaments were gift wrapped and given away at hospitals, bars, the airport, and special gatherings. In San Francisco, His Way operated a crisis counseling line 24 hours a day (averaging 232 calls per month), did personal counseling, started a church, and continued street evangelism.
1991-Present: Buffalo Ridge Retreat Center. His Way Ministries has access to 200 acres of beautiful prairie in Williamsburg, Kansas, called Buffalo Ridge Hospitality & Retreat Center. The land consists of five meadows separated by ravines and filled with plenty of wildlife including deer, quail, turkeys, coyotes, rabbits, and various birds of prey. We operate a hospitality and retreat ministry primarily for pastors, missionaries, and other such activists in God’s Kingdom; a place where one can come for a time of temporary respite, encouragement, and discipleship. Buffalo Ridge is a place in the country where one can rest and replenish the spirit; a recuperative “He restoreth my soul” spot for those the Lord sends.
To learn more about Buffalo Ridge Retreat Center go to or call (785) 746-5418.