There are major changes or events in life that can have a substantial effect on even the best auto insurance. If you’ve experienced any of these significant changes in recent months, it may be time to take another look at your car insurance. Read on to find out more about five major life changes that could mean that your auto insurance policy is outdated.
You Got Married
Married individuals are believed to be less likely to get into an accident — and this means that getting married can actually lower your insurance premiums, even if your actual driving history hasn’t changed. You can also bundle your policy with that of your significant others for additional savings. Conversely, if you’ve recently separated or gotten a divorce, you might need to shop around for a less expensive policy, as your premiums could increase.
You Have a New Job
Your career has an impact on your auto insurance rates in two ways. An insurance policy is sometimes calculated based on your profession. Different jobs are considered to have different levels of risk. Your commute also affects your rates; the less you’re expected to drive on a daily basis, the less you’ll have to pay.
You Bought Insurance Elsewhere
Have you recently purchased a homeowner’s or renters insurance policy from a different company? Whenever you acquire a new insurance policy, it can be a good idea to check on whether or not you can potentially save money through bundling. Most companies offer discounts when you purchase multiple policies. Bundling your insurance policies can also make them easier to manage, as you’ll have one agent that can take care of your billing, changes, and claims.
You Moved
Your auto insurance policy is often calculated based on your zip code. This is because different areas are more prone to accidents, break-ins, and other car-related issues. This is also why your auto insurance policy often requests that you notify them within a certain amount of time whenever you move. While you cannot control the change of your car insurance premium, you can ask us to look into moving you to another company altogether that would be more competitive in your new neighborhood.
You Paid Off Your Bills
Many people aren’t aware that their credit score has a significant effect on what they pay for their car insurance. If you’ve recently paid down your debt or otherwise improved your credit score, it might be worth it to let us know as if could save you money.
Finding Good Car Insurance
Finding good car insurance sometimes requires a little due diligence; every time there’s a major change in your life, you might want to take a few minutes to review your current policies for any changes to your premiums. You might also want to consider that some changes to your lifestyle, such as a move, could actually increase your auto insurance policies. Either way, doing some research beforehand can help.