Car insurance is more complicated than it may seem on the surface. A lot of factors go into determining your risk and insurability, each of which affect the amount you pay for premiums. Most insurance companies here in Kansas will provide a wide range of discounts. Fully understanding these discounts and what they mean for you can mean the difference in paying too much for car insurance or savings hundreds on premiums each year. Continue reading to find out the three questions you should be asking your agent when requesting a car insurance quote.
What types of vehicle discounts do you offer?
Vehicle discounts are car insurance discounts that specifically pertain to the safety and features of your car, truck or SUV. Today’s vehicles are safer than ever, which can translate to lower premiums. Discounts vary, however, depending on the type of features on your vehicle. Some safety devices and features have been shown beneficial in improving passenger safety. Examples include:
- Anti-lock brakes
- Automatic seatbelts (passive restraints)
- Passenger and side-curtain airbags
Keep in mind that many of today’s late model cars also come equipped with driver assistance technologies that help drivers maintain their lanes and warn of an impending collision. Unfortunately, the real-world benefits of these technologies have yet to be proven, so insurers generally will not offer a discount for smart cars that feature driver assistance.
What types of driver discounts do you offer?
A vehicle is only as safe as the person driving it. That is why insurance companies go to great lengths to assess the risk that a driver poses to the insurer. Drivers who are deemed high-risk tend to pay more for premiums than those with a low-risk profile. Be sure to ask your agent about discounts for safe driving, particularly if you have maintained a clean driving record for several years. A clean driving record is one that has:
- No traffic citations
- No at-fault accidents
- No records of driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances
Additional driver safety discounts may be available to niche groups. For example, drivers between the ages of 50 and 70 are often given discounts because of their many years of experience on the road. Additional discounts may be offered to teenage and college-age drivers who maintain good grades in school.
If you do not fit one of these niche groups or simply wish to increase the value of your driver discounts, ask your insurer about driver education completion discounts. When you enroll in an approved class, your insurer may offer you a discount on coverage so long as you pass the course.
What types of policy discounts do you offer?
Finally, take time to ask your agent about policy discounts. These are the discounts that some insurers offer to drivers who lump their policies together with the same provider. For example, you may qualify for a multi-policy discount if your auto insurance carrier is also your homeowners insurance provider. Similarly, you may save money by adding more than one vehicle to your auto insurance policy.
The friendly staff here at Integrity Insurance Agency is happy to answer your most pressing questions and provide guidance on finding the coverage you need. If you live in or around the Topeka, Kansas area, let us provide you with free, no-obligation car insurance quotes from some of the state’s leading insurance carriers. Call us today. We look forward to serving you soon.